jhkl | Dwn Left Up Right |
Ctrl + l | Delete Command Log |
x or X | Delete Character |
dd | Delete Line |
xxxdd | Delete xxx lines |
y$ | Copy cursor position to EOL |
p | Paste under cursor line |
P | Paste above cursor line |
yy | Copy Line |
xxxyy | Copy xxx Lines |
A | Add after EOL |
a | Insert after cursor |
R | Replace from the current cursor position |
O | Insert line above cursor line |
o | Insert line berow cursor line |
0 | Move cursor to head of line |
$ | Move cursor to EOL |
c$ | Change from cursor to EOL |
d$ | Delete from cursor to EOL |
. | Repeat previous change |
u | Undo previous change |
/ | Search forward |
n | Search forward again |
? | Search backward |
N | Search backward again |